Agronomy - Grow with It!

Agronomy - Grow with It!


Comfort Ateh, Melanie Bayles, Greg Welbaum, and Judy Mannes

ISBN: 978-0-89118-349-5
Pages: 112

Agronomy—Grow with It! explores the science of agriculture. Agronomy is the science we use to grow the crops that feed us, feed our livestock, and even fuel our cars. It's a science that tackles the big challenge of our future: How can we grow enough food to end world hunger—and, at the same time, adapt to a changing climate and protect our environment? Meet 20 real agronomists who face that challenge every day. They have very different careers, but they share the same passion—"growing" a science that makes a difference. Seven sections cover main topics in agronomy and align with basic science topics in the Next Generation Science Standards: Agronomists Feed the World • Crops: Sooo Much More than Food • Problems with Pests • Bringing Crops and Livestock to the Farm... Together • Water Matters! Getting Enough...Keeping it Safe • Soil: We Gotta Have It, But Will We? • Coping With Climate Change  Audience: Aimed at Grades 6–8, of interest to older and younger students alike! Softcover, 8 1/2 x 11". 2016. ASA. Item: B10294. View an Excerpt (PDF).Member price $24 Non-Member Price $30

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