SOIL! Get the Inside Scoop

SOIL! Get the Inside Scoop


David Lindbo and members of the SSSA K-12 Committee

ISBN: 978-0-89118-848-3
Pages: 32

Get kids excited about the living world of soil! Written for children aged 9-12, this 36-page, full-color book explores how soil is part of our life—the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink, the houses we live in, and more. Along the way, readers learn about different kinds of soil and meet the scientists who work with soil every day. “Packed full of fascinating information...A must-have for the class library or for any parent who wants to connect their child to Earth stewardship.” - Julie Rosen, 4th Grade Teacher, Woods Charter School, Chapel Hill, NC. Softcover. 2008. SSSA. Item: B60913. View an excerpt (PDF).

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